Actuation concepts for in vivo-like mechanical strain

Various actuation concepts can be used to generate membrane stretching. Mimicking stretching forces in vitro for cell culture is often required, for example in lung-on-chip tissue culture (breathing), in heart-on-chip models (heartbeat) or gut-on-chip (peristaltic intestine movement). We will briefly outline the most common and promising principles, including pneumatic actuation, electromagnetic actuation, piezoelectric actuation and dielectrophoretic actuation used in microfluidic organ-on-chip technology. 1. Introduction Cells and tissues in the human body are naturally exposed to different types of mechanical forces. The forces range over multiple length scales. For instance, our bones and cartilage are exposed to compressive loads as we walk and move and our blood vessels are continuously exposed to shear stresses due to vascular flow and to cyclic strain due to blood pressure or lung tissue is under mechanical…
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New Paper in Scientific Reports

Researchers at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS), Univ. Paris-Saclay have demonstrated that ordinary liquids can emit a modulated hot and cold thermal signal upon applied mechanical shear wave (Figure below). It tells that the mechanical energy is not dissipated but converted in local thermodynamic states. Prof. Laurence Noirez together with her student Eni Kume (ESR 5) thus identified the equivalent of the thermo-elasticity which was known in solids only.These experimental advances are utmost important for liquid theories and microfluidics, and open the way to a new generation of energy-efficient temperature converters. View the article By applying a low frequency shear mechanical stimulus (~ Hz), the liquid emits a modulated thermal signal synchronous with the stimulus. Real-time mapping of the temperature variation of the PPG-4000 confined in a 240 µm gap (gap view) excited by…
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