The hosting organizations of MAMI are spread out all over Europe, and are closely interacting through collaborations and exchange of students. The MAMI network includes 7 academic and 2 industrial partners detailed below.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (IPCMS – Strasbourg and LLB – Paris, FRANCE)
The CNRS is the largest governmental research organization in France. It has 32,000 employees, of whom more than 24,000 are permanent. It runs more than 1025 research units, with 35 in association with universities or industry.

Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, FRANCE)
UNISTRA is one of the largest universities in France with more than 50,000 students and employees. The scale of research activity at Strasbourg is substantial, involving a European Doctoral College, 10 doctoral schools and 79 research units.

Universidad del Pais Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Bilbao, SPAIN)
UPV/EHU is the leading teaching and research institution in the Basque country, recognised as International Excellence Campus by the Spanish Government. At FP7, participated in 103 projects, 7 ERC and 35 Marie Curie Actions. From 2007 to 2015 has participated in another 86 projects both communitarian (Interrreg, EraNet,..) and international; Erasmus+ program with an overall value of 40 projects granted in H2020, so far.

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (Göttingen, GERMANY)
MPG a research institute for investigations of complex non-equilibrium systems, particularly in physics and biology. Its founding history goes back to Ludwig Prandtl who in 1911 requested a Kaiser Wilhelm Institute to be founded for the investigation of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. It is one of 80 institutes in the Max Planck Society (Max Planck Gesellschaft). The research conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization covers a broad spectrum, mainly in the physics of complex systems. Recently, the physics of complex systems has become a topic of increasing interest and includes open systems, which are characterized by dissipation of energy and entropy production.

The University of Latvia (Riga, LATVIA)
LU is one of the largest comprehensive and leading research universities in the Baltics with more than 14 000 students, 13 faculties and over 20 research institutes and independent study centres. Department of Physics provides high-level education in physics for ~200 students, including ~45 doctoral students. It has internationally recognized research in soft materials (MMML lab, Prof. Cēbers), magnetohydrodynamics, laser, atomic and molecular physics, nanoelectronics, etc. The department has strong ties with 5 physics research institutes of the UL, as well as international partners in many European and other countries.

Trinity College (Dublin, IRELAND)
TCD is the sole constituent college of the University of Dublin. The college was founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I as the “mother” of a new university, modelled after the collegiate universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It is one of the seven ancient universities of Britain and Ireland, as well as Ireland’s oldest surviving university.

Institut Jozef Stefan (Ljubljana, SLOVENIA)
IJS is the leading Slovenian research institute, covering a broad spectrum of research in natural sciences from chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science, information technologies, robotics, etc. The institute employs over 650 PhD researchers, altogether more than 960 employees including 219 PhD students. The basic goals of the Institute are to provide expert scientific and applied output in the form of processes, products and consultancy, and to produce well-trained young scientists. Being well aware of the international nature of science, the Institute has devoted considerable efforts to international co-operation.

Kolektor Magnet Technology GmbH (various locations in EU)
KMT is one of the leading companies worldwide in the production of polymer bonded magnets. The product portfolio of polymer bonded magnets includes SmFeN, NdFeB, hybrid magnets and complete assemblies produced by the facility in Essen, Germany. KMT GmbH has an excellent track record as the primary polymer bonded magnets producer in Europe, and also as a global supplier, utilising widely spread network of marketing companies through Kolektor Group in Europe, USA, and in Asia. Our products are integrated in electrical motors for various purposes including electric power tools, household appliances and automotive industry servicing most of Tier 1 suppliers.

Elvesys (Paris, FRANCE)
Elvesys is a young, innovative company which develops scientific instrumentation and “lab-on-a-chip” systems to conduct research in microfluidics. We have the widest portfolio of instruments in this field, ranging from pressure controllers to optical detection systems for microfluidics. Elvesys is committed to facilitate the transition of microfluidics researches and breakthroughs from laboratories towards the market. In this spirit, Elvesys’ management board has created four innovative companies related to microfluidics in the last five years.