Upcoming events:
Past events:
Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation for Science & Technology Symposium 13-14 December 2021
Talk by Prof. Winfried Retry, TU-München, Germany "Excellent European Neutron Sources, from the past to the future"
Talk by Prof. Adrian Rennie, Uppsala Univ, Sweden "Probing interfaces - exploiting the special contrasts with neutrons and tuning the depth of studies

Online Mini Symposium in Dublin - Trinity College Dublin - 20th of January

Workshop in Göttingen - Max Plank Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization - 1st-3rd July 2020

Winter School: Hands-on Microfluidics - Microfluidics Cluster - The University of the Basque Country (Spain) - 27th-29th January 2020
Local organizer: Fernando Benito and Lourdes Basabe-Desmonts
The Winter School was held in Vitoria-Gasteiz at The Microfluidics Cluster UPV/EHU.
Students from European Project MAMI have been working on different projects related to microfluidics: paper microfluidics, 3D printed microfluidics, cells on a chip and polymer fabrication of microfluidic devices.
Workshop 2: Magnetism and Life - The University of Latvia (Latvia) - 15th-17th May 2019
Local organizer: Andrejs Cebers
The second workshop of the network was held in Riga at the University of Latvia.
Training in the field of Magnetism were performed with emphasis on non-physics sciences. The audience was also introduced to the industrial applications of permanent magnets. Finally, this workshop also had a session on Life Sciences.

Workshop 1: How to conduct a successful PhD - Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) - 5th-7th December 2018
Local organizer: Ingrid Milošev
The first workshop of the network was held in Ljubljana at the Jožef Stefan Institute.
It started with a one-day introductory meeting for all ESRs and beneficiaries to meet each other. The ESRs were then introduced to good practice in both laboratory and industry-oriented research. This is a key goal of the ITN, as starting PhD students are usually unaware of these issues after their academic education.